The AHP Process
1. Orientation
Receiving a large AHP grant is an exciting event. It is also a time when a hundred other questions come to a recipient’s mind. Now that the grant is real and not just a possibility, it is time to learn more about the process and officially sign grant documents. (Click image to open as PDF.)
2. Disbursement
It is now time to convert an award into cash. In order to do this, all of the project’s funding needs to be secured, bridge and mortgage financing executed, building permits issued, and substantial construction completed. (Click image to open as PDF.)
3. Completion Audit
Once project work has been completed and occupancy has occurred, the funder will perform a comprehensive audit to verify project costs, occupancy by low-income persons, special needs, and the delivery of resident services.(Click image to open as PDF.)
4. Annual Reporting
For 15 years post project completion, an annual report will have to be provided that certifies that the project is still serving low-income persons and that special needs and homeless housing commitments are being met. Reporting claims must be substantiated by objective evidence. (Click image to open as PDF.)